Can a full moon ritual help you supercharge your life and reach the heart and soul of your desires? In this post, I’m going to explain this practice and show you exactly how to perform the ritual for yourself.
While new moons represent fresh starts and new beginnings, full moons mark turning points, closure, or manifestations. Full moons have long been considered a magical and mystical time that allows you to connect with your spiritual, sacred, and feminine self. This phase of the moon cycle is ideal for harvesting those seeds you’ve sown at the new moon, and is also a great time to release excess energies - both light and dark.
Observance of the moon's phases is as old as time itself. Our ancestors used the moon and the changing of the seasons to mark when they hunted, fished, planted, and even moved. In the fast-paced high-tech world we live in today, it’s easy to forget this, and easy to fall out of sync with the natural rhythms of our world. Many believe it is the reason that so many people struggle with anxiety and burnout today (and this is why grounding exercises can help you feel better).
The full moon this month falls on Monday 29th March. This full moon is in the constellation of Libra, so you can expect to be feeling the need for balance and harmony in your life. This is not a time for making big decisions, but instead a period of beautifying - whether that be your home, things around you, or yourself. In the next section, we'll make sure you have the correct supplies, and explore how to perform the full moon ritual to maximise its effectiveness.
You don’t need much to perform this ritual. In fact, the only things that are absolutely necessary are something to write with and something to write on. Any other items mentioned are optional, and not using them will not cause your ritual to fail.
With that in mind, here are some other suggested optional supplies:
· fresh sage, sage spray or a smudging kit;
· selenite (for cleansing);
· candles (white or silver intensifies lunar powers, but you can use any colour you desire).
Step 1: Define your intentions
This time is all about appraising what you have been working on, and determining what you should keep and what you should let go in order to ensure a full harvest come the next new moon.
It’s important to consider this so that you can create your intentions for the full moon. I recommend doing so in an uninterrupted space and meditating first to calm your mind.
Once you have defined your intentions, it's time to...
Step 2: Clear your space and ground yourself
As with any ritual, you will first want to clear your space and ground yourself. If you have a sacred space, that’s great! If not, any quiet space will work. Just be sure you are not interrupted.
Bring your supplies with you, and start by saging the area to clear the space. If you have crystals, a wand, or other items in your sacred space that you want to use or have near you, this is fine, too. Remember, this is your ritual and you’re free to change it up to suit your needs.
There are many ways to practice grounding, and you must feel free to make use of whichever works best for you. A common procedure is to sit still, take a few deep breaths or count down (either in your head, or out loud). Feel your breaths all the way down into your lower stomach.
At this time you may also wish to light incense or candles.
Step 3: Release and forgive
If you set intentions on the new moon, you may have some blocks or negative emotions that have hindered their progress. If you did not set a new moon ritual and this is your first moon ritual, you may still have some blocks you need to release.
Now is the time to address any blocks you are experiencing. Just sit quietly with these feelings for a bit. Allow yourself to feel what you feel.
Now, write in your journal (or on your paper):
Tonight, by the power of the full moon, I release:
If you find there are fears or negative feelings coming up, write them down. Don’t be afraid to acknowledge them and don’t feel like you have to justify them.
Once you’re done, you may like to fold or roll this paper up and burn it, but this is not requisite. Many people like the release that they feel from burning the list of the things they want to release. Do what feels right for you.
Step 4: Give gratitude
Now, we want to devote some time to gratitude. A full moon will amplify whatever energy you put out there, so this is a great time to give thanks. Try to answer the following questions:
· What do you like about your life?
· Which parts of your current situation are bringing you success?
· Which parts of your life you are really proud of?
Write down as many things as you can think of to be grateful for. Really take the time to appreciate the good stuff and soak in those feelings, then invite the Universe to bring you more.
Step 5: Renew and release with a bath
Finally, you can wrap up the entire ritual with a nice bath. Water is grounding, and symbolic of both cleansing and recharging.
This is a good time to run a bath, add your favourite bath salts or essential oils, and maybe even carry your ritual candles with you (or use new candles if you'd prefer).
Give closure to your full moon ritual by washing away the negatives and the worries, and recharging with fresh new ideas, energy and excitement about your life.
I also find that this is a great time for brainstorming - many great, inspiring ideas come to me while in the bath after a moon ritual. You may even want to keep something handy for writing those ideas down when you get out.
This full moon ritual will help you to harness the power of the moon and bring about the fulfilment you desire in life. The ritual can be repeated each time there is a full moon, and with each cycle you will come to learn more about yourself and how best to realise your goals. For our specially curated moon ritual package Artemis, click here.
New blog post in preparation for this months full moon 💜